Mission Of Mercy journeys to Milan.


win-004win-006I first met Ms. Chetachi Nwoga and Mr. George Onuorah in summer 2015. I was contacted to do a photo feature of their Mission of Mercy in Milan. I didn’t know them, neither their mission, but I soon discovered they were philantropists with a strong drive to help people in need.

During our time spent together, they visited a foster home for abused children. They went to the supermarket and provided food supplies for over a month.

The interesting thing for me was to report their mission of good without portraying the children – as their identities must remain concealed. I decided to capture the happiness and the joy in the eyes of the staff – who were not expecting such a godsend.

It is always an amazing thing to see the wealthy do good action to help those in need because they simply want to give a piece of fortune without expecting anything in return – only to make the world a better place, for a while.win-001

By Matteo Ziglioli : Photographer


Matteo Ziglioli, currently based in Milan, Italy. I have been a free-lance photographer since 2009. I have worked for several clients in events, weddings, fashion, portraits and sports. I am a curious person – always interested in new working experiences and exploring new realities and people.